07 July 2008

Obvious Math, Part Duex

So, I figured out how to save up $1000 (well, 900- there's that obvious math again) by August 1st, barring any sort of catastrophes. So, that will be Dave Ramsey Baby Step One. Step Two is that old Debt Snowball, which I believe I will be balling for like three years, but it's okay. We can have the decade of frugal living, and by then I'll have many readers and perhaps a book named something like "Insanity Pants: How I Stopped Shopping and Found True Happiness."


Amy said...

Online "Total Money Makeover" buddy it is! I'm glad you have a plan for your mini-emergency fund. You will be rolling that debt snowball before you know it!

Jaime said...

Awesome!! Can't wait to hear about being on the radio show!