02 August 2008

Step Two and an ASP

It's done! 1000 dollars into the ING savings account. I also set up an ASP (Automatic Savings Plan) for 30 bucks every other week (the day after I get paid) to take care of the Christmas money automatically.

The ASP is something I have read/heard about 800,000 times and never actually did. I was always too afraid to do it in case I needed the money, and it was probably a good thing that I didn't when I was with my husband, but not any more. So that is done. I'm really excited about the prospect of checking my savings account balance monthly and seeing the number just go up, up, up. It will be even more awesome to go Christmas shopping in December and know I already have the cash put away!

I also want to try my hand in making some things for Christmas this year. If there is one thing this economy has done for most people I know, it's make us realize we don't need *things*. I started reading that book that I requested through ILL last night (that's Inter Library Loan for you non-librarians or serious library users) and it's really interesting. I write book reviews in my real life, so I'll review it for the blog when I'm done. In case you want to read along with me, this is it (the link will take you to worldcat, where you can see what libraries near you own it):

Let me know if you're reading it too!


Anonymous said...

Major accomplishment! Congratulations on your hard work & keep it up!

Secret Garden Supper Club said...

Good job!

I finally took the leap and started a blog to help me save money too.
I've been reading you since the beginning. You are such an inspiration.

LauraC said...

I'm a new reader, found you through other BBC people. I am really impressed with what you have been able to accomplish in such a short period of time! Truly awesome.