The grocery store project has failed in it's first test, which is ease of use. I logged in to Peapod, added a few items, and scheduled a time for my groceries to be delivered the next day. I didn't confirm because I needed a few more things, and before I knew it, the deadline to confirm had passed. I have not had time to return to the site since. In the meanwhile, I went to the grocery store and still forgot a couple of things, including cat food. I am completely out of cat food and stuck at work with no time to get to the store and home. I fear for what the cats are doing to my stuff.
Can I just say how completely and totally overwhelmed I am? My younger son's 3rd birthday party is Saturday and I'm totally unprepared for both the party and the rain that is predicted to ruin it. My ex is moving back in with his parents tomorrow and they've brought out a barrel full of crazy to celebrate the occasion. The babysitter (who is related to them) is fighting with them over MY kids, and its making me insane.
My house is a freaking mess ALWAYS and I never have enough time to clean it. I'm overwhelmed at work and unhappy in general and this morning I just felt like I could imagine myself trapped in this glass box and just banging, banging on the walls to get out, to be heard.
Did I mention I have a cold? :)
Serenity now!